Our mission is to protect, empower and strengthen children in need.
We are a not for profit organisation that believes every child has the right to live free. We believe that together we can help bring freedom to children experiencing abuse, extreme vulnerability and the negative effects of poverty.
In India extreme poverty has a devastating affect on children, families & their community.
Almost one quarter of all people living in poverty across the globe live in India.
Children born into poverty are more likely to be vulnerable to a number of risk factors. Malnutrition, caused by an inadequate diet, not only causes children to be at risk of developing various diseases and health issues, but also leads to developmental delays and stunted growth. The environment in which children living in poverty are raised in, often places them at greater risk while parents and family members work tirelessly to provide for them.
Education poverty is considered one of the main factors that lead to income poverty. In India, many children living in poverty do not get the opportunity to go to school, or drop out at an early age. The limitations of poverty and cultural norms often lead to children having incomplete or unsatisfactory education. Limiting factors including: expectations on a child to support their family, lack of transport to school, and inaccessible resources, all lead to limited opportunities and an insecure future.
There is a large gap that still exists between the opportunities afforded to boys and girls. A lack of education and need for financial security means that often young women are forced into marriage or the sex trade. While child marriage rates have fallen across India, many young women and girls are still entering marriage below the age of 18. Children who are trafficked are forced to provide labour, stripping them of opportunities to gain skills and education and reinforcing the cycle of poverty.
You and I can help empower the life of a child, their family and community, forever.