Protect. Empower. Strengthen.

Our Vision

We believe in a world
where children are safe from harm, are treated equally and are free from poverty.


About us

We believe that every child has the right to live free and that the exploitation and abuse of children is not ok.

We believe crimes against children stop when people like you and I understand that change is possible and we focus our efforts to fight for their protection and freedom.

We believe the answer comes when we empower and strengthen communities to protect children as they grow.

In response, Free to Be facilitates child centred community development in Kolkata that aims to:

Protect, EmpoweR AND Strengthen

Our programs are designed with these outcomes in mind and are made possible by our partnerships with individuals and organisations that are committed to joining together to see sustainable change impact those most in need.



The team in Kolkata are passionate, dedicated and humbly care about each and every child we serve.



Our Story

Our story began when our Director, Jeanette was given a book written about a girl sold into one of the red light areas of Kolkata. Deeply impacted by her story, Jeanette knew she wanted to do something to prevent this from becoming the story of more girls in India. This new found awareness led her on a path to pursue a greater understanding of the plight of those in need. Feeling empowered to be a voice for the voiceless, in 2010 Jeanette became the founding Director of FreeToBe - an organisation committed to seeing families and communities find freedom through programs which address some of the most prevalent issues they face.
